GCW Master Weaver
Weaving by GCW founder Mary Sandin who was also one of our first Master Weavers
Become a part of Canada’s weaving heritage
Join over thirty others, such as Mary E. Black, Mary Sandin, Nell Steedsman, and Dini Moes, who helped shaped Canada’s weaving heritage.
The GCW test program consists of four levels: Basic, Intermediate, Senior, and Master. The levels are incrementally more difficult, culminating in the Master Level which includes an in-depth study. This program is a self-teaching one that does not require class study. Markers are Master Weavers of the GCW testing program who are also members of the GCW. Markers are encouraged to mark in transparent, specific, and objective ways. The marking, combined with the execution of the test assignments, provides rich learning for participants. Increase your skills by beginning with the first level and completing any number of the four levels.
Here is one of the great things about the GCW Testing Program: the candidate is the driver of his/her own calendar! (Sometimes life does get in the way, and/or weaving mishaps happen.) Though potential candidates need to let the Test Administrator know of their intention to submit by March 15th of the year, if the time needed to complete the assignments is underestimated, and the candidate won’t be able to post his/her completed assignments by April 15th, then just submit the following year.
There are multiple options for inquiry to complete the GCW assignments. These include private weaving libraries and guild libraries (including the GCW’s own library in Winnipeg), guild mentors, in-person classes given by guilds, textile conferences and some colleges, and online guilds such as Jane Stafford’s Online Guild, to name a few. GCW also has a Test Mentor, Sandra Fearon, who can answer specific inquiries about the Master Weaver test questions.
Program Overview
In 1947 a testing program was established by founding members of the Guild of Canadian Weavers (GCW) to encourage the pursuit of excellence in handweaving. Potential candidates should have basic weaving knowledge and be able to weave independently before starting the test program. Candidates must be GCW members.
Testing takes place over four terms. Terms take place in yearly cycles. Candidates work at their own pace and may take as long as they wish to complete any level. It is the responsibility of the candidate to follow the guidelines and prepare submissions.
March 15 - Candidate notifies the Test Administrator that they wish to submit a test. Candidate receives instructions from the Test Administrator on where to mail tests.
April 15 - Submission deadline.
All candidates must begin with the Basic testing and graduate into the next level. Certificates are awarded to successful candidates at the levels of:
Basic: The purpose of this level is to understand basic weave structures on 4-shafts and to demonstrate good weaving skills. Originality is not required.
Intermediate: The purpose of this level is to understand basic weave structures on 4-shafts, to demonstrate technical weaving skills, and to understand the suitability of fibre for its intended purpose. Originality is encouraged.
Senior: The purpose of this level is to demonstrate mastery of techniques, technical execution and skill, knowledge of weaving theory, and completeness of work. Originality is expected. Originality means your interpretation of a weave, not copying exactly from a book or magazine.
Master: The purpose of the Master Level is to continue to develop the mastery of techniques and theory of weave structures on 8 or more shafts. The In-Depth Study is the most important part of the Master Level and must demonstrate research in considerable depth. Originality is expected. Candidate must have completed all levels of the Test Program Basic, Intermediate and Senior before beginning the Master Level.
BASIC $100 ($55.00 honorarium + $45.00 shipping/fees)
INTERMEDIATE $100 ($55.00 honorarium + $45.00 shipping/fees)
SENIOR $100 ($55.00 honorarium + $45.00 shipping/fees)
MASTER $200 ($120.00 honorarium + $80.00 shipping/fees)
HOW TO APPLY: Contact GCW Test Administrator. Download the program guide above. Reach out to the Test Mentor for any questions regarding the testing outline.
GCW Test Administrator, Susan Harvey
GCW Test Mentor, Sandra Fearon
Suggested Reading
Basic Level
Black, Mary - New Key to Weaving
Chandler Deborah - Learning to Weave
Van der Hoogt, Madelyn - The Complete Book of Drafting for Handweavers
Frey, Breta - Designing and Drafting for Handweavers
West, Virginia - Finishing Touches for the Handweaver
Bress, Helene - The Weaving Book
Fry, Laura - Wet Finishing for Handweavers
Tidball, Harriet - Monographs: The Handloom Weaves & The Weaver’s Book
Intermediate Level: all the books listed above plus the following:
Muller, Donna - Handwoven Laces
Crockett, Candace - Card Weaving
Turner, A. - Finger Weaving, Indian Braiding
Senior and Master Levels: all the books listed above plus the following:
Collingwood, Peter - Techniques of Rug Weaving
Beutlich, Tadek - The Techniques of Woven Tapestry
Harvey, Nancy - Tapestry Weaving
Strickler, Donna - A Weaver’s Book of 8 Shaft Patterns
Wertenberger, Kathryn - 8, 12…20: An Introduction to Multi-shaft Weaving
Other readings:
Lambert, Staepelaere, and Fry - Color and Fiber
Moorman, Theo - Weaving as an Art Form
Regenststeiner, Else - The Art of Weaving
Thorpe, H.G. - A Handweaver’s Workbook