Karen LeBlanc

Karen LeBlanc has been weaving for over 50 years. She focuses on several distinct streams: weaving traditional, functional and practical pieces on four or eight-harness looms; innovative, contemporary tapestry pieces woven on tapestry looms; and stitched pieces made from repurposed tartan kilts or other fabrics. 

Karen has exhibited internationally, nationally, regionally and locally and participated in residencies in Fredericton, Toronto and Parrsboro. In 2019, four woven wearables were part of the ArtWear fashion show and exhibition in Fort Collins CO. She has also exhibited in fibre art and weaving exhibitions in Reno NV, Milwaukee WI, Muskegon MI, New York NY, Toronto ON, Halifax NS, and many other galleries. Karen is a member of several professional organizations: American Tapestry Alliance, Complex Weavers, Handweavers Guild of America, CraftNB, Guild of Canadian Weavers, Beaverbrook Art Gallery, CraftNS, and many more. She is the past President of the Fibre Arts Network (FAN) and past Treasurer of the NB Crafts Foundation. 

During the summer of 2021, Karen started creating small hearts that were given to people in memory of Indigenous children who did not return home from a Residential School. Her goal was – and is – to help increase awareness of, and to advocate for, reconciliation.

Prior to retiring from her full-time job in 2019, Karen worked with the Joint Economic Development Initiative (JEDI) as the Senior Project Manager where she obtained funding for and managed workforce and economic development projects for Indigenous people in New Brunswick.

New Brunswick
Member since 2005


Karen Adams


Kayla Walsh